Saturday, February 10, 2007

The advantages of living alone

Well, it's almost 1:00 pm, and I am sitting at my computer wearing the following: a flannel nightshirt with a "candy heart" pattern on it (those little hearts with sayings that you can buy around Valentine's Day), some light cotton PJ bottoms that I picked up at a "Walgreens" for about five bucks, red slippers, and a thick black robe over the whole thing. My hair is sticking up and somewhat reminiscent of Einstein's. I am sipping coffee and trying to decide whether I will have breakfast or lunch.

I started to think about how nice it is to live alone sometimes. It isn't that I don't want a man in my life, but moments like today's, devoid of anything but relaxation and whatever I want to do, are precious. I have mentioned before that I am trying to slow down my "Type A" personality. As I sit here, I still have my list of things to do and the voice that says "what if someone comes to your door, you'd better get dressed," going through my mind. But I have managed to relegate them to the status of background noise for now.

My splendid outfit did backfire one day, though. I was working midnights, and had only just awakened and staggered out to my living room. The UPS man happened to be coming up the walk with my coffee delivery. Still in my hazy state, I opened the door for him and then realized what I was wearing and what I must look like. I just said, "I'm sorry, I work midnights and I just got up." The trouble was, the guy was drop-dead gorgeous. I have some gorgeous man coming right to my front door and I greet him in my weird, unmatched PJ's with Einstein hair. Oh well. Hopefully he wasn't my soul-mate. :)

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