Thursday, April 3, 2008

From serial killer humor to karma....

Besides being a place that is almost devoid of humor, my workplace has a number of very fundamentalist Christians--both patients and staff. So I keep my "Vision Quests," crystals, and sweatlodges to myself, needless to say.

Anyway, the other day I was talking with a very nice patient who gave me some information on her religion: Jehovah's Witness. It was (to me) a rather morbid treatise on whether or not we are living in the "Last Days." Rather than trying to explain that I follow my own spiritual practice, and am very happy with it, I accepted this pamphlet with thanks.

To make matters a bit more surreal, this patient thought I was Jewish, either in spirituality or by descent. Which is odd because the heritage I am aware of is as follows: Swedish, German, Norwegian, and possibly Irish (I do have some mystery in my background due to adoptions on both sides of my family, but I am going with what I know or can be reasonably sure of).

Which brought me to thinking about all of my friends and patients, and who they all said I looked like: Bette Midler (a long time ago), Frodo Baggins, Winona Ryder, Jodie Foster, and now someone of Jewish descent. But I digress...

The problem that I have been having is what to do with this pamphlet full of information that I do not want. Although it is not a part of my sacred teachings, it is sacred to someone, so I feel a bit uncomfortable just throwing it away. There it is, sitting on my kitchen counter, with the "Are We In The Last Days" cover staring up at me every time I pass it.

Is it bad karma to throw someone else's gift of their spirituality away, no matter whether I agree with it or not? Or am I just as usual over thinking a simple situation???

The best solution I have come up with so far is to recycle the pamphlet. That way, it will be going back to the Earth, and I will have at least done something constructive with it.

Does anyone else in my small circle of readers wonder about such things???

1 comment:

Agatestone said...


I would say that recycling would be your best bet. You're helping the earth. I don't think karma is an issue in this. You're fine.
