Wednesday, April 2, 2008

An unlikely "ally"

I am lying in the dark, posting to my blog as much by feel as by sight, and hoping the battery in my laptop lasts longer than my musings.

I was speaking to a co-worker today. We agreed there was a distinct lack of humor in the department in which I am working. To be more specific, there is a distinct lack of the kind of oddball, off-the-wall, ironic humor that I thrive on. I have delivered one-liners that would have my friends belly-laughing, only to meet with blank stares at work. If I make any kind of joke, only the most pedestrian and bland joke will go over with most of my co-workers (except the one who hired on at about the same time I did...she at least appreciates one-liners and the occasional "Far Side" cartoon).

Anyone who has wanted to make a comment about the "Ministry of Silly Walks," or "Put an SEP field around it" but knows that no one in their general vicinity is either familiar with Monty Python or the "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" can understand my feeling of creative claustorphobia.

Enter my newest favorite show: Dexter. I'll be honest: I tuned into this show for the first time out of morbid curiosity about how the writers would handle a main character who was a serial killer. Anyone familiar with the show knows that Dexter is a serial killer...of bad guys.

I am completely hooked on this show. Not only does it have a fascinating psychological theme to it, it also has some very (possibly unintentionally) funny moments. Dexter, at one point thinking he was going to be caught, said of his girlfriend (yep he has one): "First she marries a drug dealer and then she finds out her boyfriend is a serial killer. At some point you have to start taking this kind of thing personally." May not be an exact quote, but you get the idea.

It's late and I am tired--and some idiot in my neighborhood is blasting music that the whole county can hear, so I am probably not really expressing myself very eloquently--although the warped part of my mind is wondering if it is worth the trouble to go disconnect the rude neighbor's electrical circuits.

But anyway, if there is anyone among my friends and readers (all two or three of you) who is into this show, I would love to hear from you. I have found it to be just the escapist remedy for my really boring, staid, middle of the road work situation.

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